Helping a Child with ADHD

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Imagine for a moment that you’re sitting in the middle of a classroom, staring down at a the same test at least twenty other kids have already began silently working on. The ticking of the old wall clock begins to ring in your head, serving only to stress that you’re running out of time. For some individuals, it takes only a deep breath to calm down and complete the test. But, according to Healthline a child with ADHD may have more difficulty concentrating and regulating their emotions , resulting in declining school performance. While some parents may be upset by their child’s behavior , It’s important to take the time to understand how children with ADHD differ from their peers, and how they can be led to succeed in both a school and home environment. 

When most individuals think of ADHD, there are a few common symptoms that immediately come to mind, but they may not be the most accurate. Children with ADHD are often seen as disruptive, and may even be labeled as the “difficult child” because of their constant need for stimulation. It’s also more difficult for these students to develop meaningful, lasting relationships. Some key symptoms that children with ADHD suffer with include forgetfulness, trouble staying focused, and trouble completing tasks. They may also daydream frequently, or fidget and play to help deal with stress. ADHD also impacts your ability to make and keep friends, which are important to a child’s development in their early years. But, as a parent this can be stressful to cope with as well, especially when symptoms can feel extreme. 

It is true that understanding child with adhd isn’t always easy, but luckily there are plenty of resources to look into that can help, both online and from doctors. It’s also important to speak with a professional to be sure that your child is developing well, and to learn more about caring for your child with ADHD. They may require further treatment such as therapy and medications to help them succeed. However, As long as they have a set schedule, rules, and a good reward and consequence system, your child can succeed just like their peers!

So, how can you understand your child with ADHD? According to, Patience and structure are your friend. Because children with ADHD experience trouble organizing and planning ahead, it’s important to set a consistent schedule for the household. While your child may struggle to following this schedule, In time, this will help your child learn routine as they grow into adults, and can help with improvement in school performance as well! Likewise, clear rules need to be in place. It’s also important to avoid frequent and sudden changes, which can be overwhelming for your child. However, sometimes you just need to understand what they are going through, as symptoms may be present even when following these guidelines. Children with AHDH may also need guidance with their social lives, to help them make friends 


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